I’ll be honest. Writing blogs about my own thoughts
isn’t my favorite part of being an author. Of course, every job has parts we
don’t love, and we strive to do our best at them anyway. But for months, I
wondered how I could make blogging more exciting for me. Primarily, I wondered
how I could make it truly interactive.
Then, a few months ago, after lots of ideas that went
nowhere and long periods of not blogging at all, because I was trying to create
something that suited me better, I came up with an idea that I’m thrilled to
share today.
It’s called Novel Concepts. Eight other wonderful
authors and I have teamed up for this new, interactive blog. Our tag line…where you’re heard until the final word…says
just what it’s about.
Here’s how it works:
Novel Concepts is a tag-team, short story blog. Each
Monday, one of us will post a portion of a short story. At the end of our
segment, we will offer 2 options for what could happen next (a Choose Your Own
Adventure type thing). Readers post their choices in the comments section. The
majority will rule and the next writer will continue the story based on our
readers’ opinions. So to everyone who ever hated what a character did, who
yelled at their books or their Kindles, wondering how an author could subject a
character to such foolish actions, here’s your chance. YOU get to decide where
the story goes. Every single week. Right up until the last segment.
We launch this Monday, July 17th! The first
segment of our pilot story will be posted in the morning and you can have a say
in what happens from the start. Right now, there’s nothing on the main page but
a “Coming soon” message, but if you go to the site today, http://novelconcepts1.blogspot.com/p/what-is-novel-concepts.html,
you can follow the blog so you’ll never miss a post. And while you’re waiting,
you can go to the “About Us” page to check out all the authors participating in
this crazy endeavor.
We can’t wait to hear your opinions. The fate of our
characters is in your hands!