Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Holiday Blog Tour

As I did last year, I’m taking part in a fun and unique holiday blog tour, in which all of the authors have been replaced by elves. J Come take a look…

Hello there! Elf Krafty Kelly here. It’s that time of year again…time for holidays, egg nog and one of my favorites, creative crafts. Each year, my mini-elf (aka my daughter), Ella Elfy and I make a different creation to share with our family during our holiday celebrations. This year, we’ve chosen a lovely window treatment. Here’s what you do:

First, get a dozen shatterproof Christmas ball ornaments. We used 2 colors, but you can use whatever colors strike your fancy.

Second, cut thin ribbon (we used one with snowmen and one with penguins) into twelve strips of different lengths of your window. Some should be short and some long so that when you hang them from your window, they will be staggered.

Third, thread one end of the ribbon through the hole in the ornament and tie a knot.

Next, tie the other end of the ribbon to a curtain rod. Your ornaments will hang in a row in all different lengths in front of the window.

Finally, wrap garland around the curtain rod so you can’t see the ribbon ties.

Enjoy your beautifully decorated window.

What are some of your favorite holiday crafts? Comment below for a chance to win a copy of my holiday novella, Better to Give.

Here's a full list of the authors taking part in this tour. Stop by their blogs for more fun and chances to win:

December 4
Holland Rae - https://hollandrae.com/
Sorchia DuBois - www.sorchiadubois.com
Mariah Lynne -

December 5
Peggy Jaeger - https://peggyjaeger.com/

December 6
Kelly Kalmanson – http://kkweil.blogspot.com

December 7
Denyse Bridger - http://www.fantasypages.ca

December 8
Linda Carroll-Bradd - http://blog.lindacarroll-bradd.com

Friday, July 14, 2017

Novel Concepts

I’ll be honest. Writing blogs about my own thoughts isn’t my favorite part of being an author. Of course, every job has parts we don’t love, and we strive to do our best at them anyway. But for months, I wondered how I could make blogging more exciting for me. Primarily, I wondered how I could make it truly interactive.

Then, a few months ago, after lots of ideas that went nowhere and long periods of not blogging at all, because I was trying to create something that suited me better, I came up with an idea that I’m thrilled to share today.

It’s called Novel Concepts. Eight other wonderful authors and I have teamed up for this new, interactive blog. Our tag line…where you’re heard until the final word…says just what it’s about. 

Here’s how it works:

Novel Concepts is a tag-team, short story blog. Each Monday, one of us will post a portion of a short story. At the end of our segment, we will offer 2 options for what could happen next (a Choose Your Own Adventure type thing). Readers post their choices in the comments section. The majority will rule and the next writer will continue the story based on our readers’ opinions. So to everyone who ever hated what a character did, who yelled at their books or their Kindles, wondering how an author could subject a character to such foolish actions, here’s your chance. YOU get to decide where the story goes. Every single week. Right up until the last segment.

We launch this Monday, July 17th! The first segment of our pilot story will be posted in the morning and you can have a say in what happens from the start. Right now, there’s nothing on the main page but a “Coming soon” message, but if you go to the site today, http://novelconcepts1.blogspot.com/p/what-is-novel-concepts.html, you can follow the blog so you’ll never miss a post. And while you’re waiting, you can go to the “About Us” page to check out all the authors participating in this crazy endeavor.

We can’t wait to hear your opinions. The fate of our characters is in your hands!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Spring Fling

I’m so excited to be participating in The Highway Café’s Spring ‘Tastic blog tour, where so many talented authors are sharing their ideas about this time of year. Brainstorming for this tour actually inspired my last blog post, as we threw around the idea of new beginnings at that time, and I figured that would be a great lead in to this post.

So here is my take on spring. Check out the other posts for this tour with the link below. J

My daughter was going through her closet this morning and found her karaoke machine tucked neatly in the corner. When she asked me why it was in there, instead of in its usual place – sitting untouched in my family room – I explained that it hadn’t been used in a while and though she could use it whenever she wanted, it had to find a home. She was less than thrilled, but I was happy to have one less thing to dust.

I’m not sure what it is about this time of year that always makes me want to throw things away. During the colder months, I’m happy to hibernate. A few extra toys or books around don’t bother me. But as soon as the sun starts to shine into my windows and I can turn my heat off, it’s like a switch flicks inside of me and I want to toss away everything that does not have an immediate use. Cabinets get emptied, closets get purged of unworn clothing, and toys that haven’t been played with in a long time magically disappear.

I don’t think I’m alone in this. It’s an inspiring time of year, at least here in the northeast where people start emerging from their houses, enjoying the weather as they go to playgrounds and ball games. They chatter as if they haven’t seen each other in years. Maybe they’re happy because they’re doing the same thing I am. Throwing away the old to make room for the new. Leaving the winter doldrums behind and welcoming the spring flowers (and showers, as we’ve had many so far).

It’s not just physical stuff, either. In spring, I’m more motivated. I want to clear the cobwebs in my head, not just my closets, and accomplish things I’ve been putting off. Fling the old ideas out the window, get rid of the things holding me back, and move on.

I’ve got a few new plans on the horizon. Doing a mental spring cleaning will free up lots of time to help make these plans successful. And who knows what wonderful thing will fill the space where there was once a dusty karaoke machine?

Do you ever do a mental spring cleaning…or a physical one? What kinds of things do you toss away? What do you make room for?

Somewhere on my website, www.kkweil.com I’ve hidden an egg. If you find it, leave a comment here letting me know and then go to The Highway Café’s site at http://transcanadaromancewriters.blogspot.ca/2017/04/spring-tastic-tour.html and leave a comment there, saying where you found it, for a CHANCE TO WIN A “BASKET OF BOOKS”. Don’t forget to check out the posts by the other wonderful authors on the Highway Café’s Spring ‘Tastic Tour as well and enter for more chances to win!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

New Beginnings

There’s a tree in my front yard that sits bare for the entire winter. When the weather starts to get warm, it blooms. First, with small white flowers and then, about a week later, they turn the most lovely pink. Though spring officially began weeks ago, it’s the blooming of that tree that means it’s really here to me.

We look for a lot of moments throughout the year to start over. January first screams resolutions, a birthday means starting a personal new year and spring breathes life into so many things in nature. When I noticed my tree this morning, I thought of just that – a new beginning.

Each day, I bounce back and forth between enjoying my writing and my other job, teaching. But for over a year now, I’ve been remiss in doing this, keeping up with my blog, sharing my thoughts. I’ve been toying with the idea of revamping my blog to make it more interactive with readers and writers. Because of this (or maybe because I’m using it as an excuse), I’ve neglected to keep up with writing regular posts. I told myself I’d begin again when the New Year came, but that didn’t happen. Then I set another date that was meaningful to me, but I didn’t do it then, either.

I think it’s human nature to do that. Put something off because the timing isn’t perfect, or it’s not exactly what we want to it be. I’ve done that more times that I could possibly count. What I realized today is that it doesn’t need to be some special date, and all the stars don’t have to align. I just have to do it. Sit down, even if it’s not ready, even if my interactive blog idea isn’t flushed out yet, and write a post.

So here I am. Ready for my new beginning. Or my re-beginning. Hopefully, like my tree outside, it will bloom into something lovely.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Check out this awesome novel by fellow author Lori Sizemore...


Justine Montgomery, daughter of a divorced beauty queen and TV magnate, is a tabloid disaster after her infamous sex tape. She’s so desperate to help save her family’s home she turns to her deal-making dad. Can she prove to him she’s cut out for a career in television or will she lose it all?
Sawyer has his own past and a successful career is his only goal. Seeing Justine fail would mean the promotion of a lifetime, but things get complicated when he develops feelings for her. Suddenly, the lines between work, life, sex, and love are blurry.
They will have to overcome the bitterness of a rejected ex, the controlling actions of her father, and the half-truths they’re telling one another to forge a lasting partnership both on the job and off the clock.

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